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Updated  04/27/10


Countries / Regions

Viewer's Corner

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AsianInfo's Suggestions & Contact Page is a site designed to give you information on the many countries in Asia, as well as, links to sites in those countries.  In spite of our efforts to provide as much information and as many useful links as possible in each category, there may be some that have been overlooked.  Your assistance is important in helping us maintain this site more efficiently. We welcome your participation in the following ways. 

We'd like to have links to many useful sites. 

  • Email us  At this time, does not participate in reciprocal links. 

    For $100 a year, you can have your site linked to ours. 
    This price is for a text link that is prepaid for 12 months.  Otherwise, it's $10 per month, per link.
  • We do not welcome links to any violent, pornographic or any other offensive sites.

If you would like to place a banner ad or other form of advertising on our site, please contact us for reasonable advertising rates customized to meet your specific needs.

If you are a manufacturer or company and would like to send a sample, we will review the product and introduce it on our website.  

We will also send the information to our sister site, to see about future marketing/distribution in the U.S. market.

This is free advertising for your company because we get over 7 million requests a month for information from our site.

For more information please email us.

You may send articles, news, a suggestion about issues or information to us. Please,

  • Email us with information stating the author, source and permission to publish on our website, if applicable.  
    Please remember, we must have permission before we can publish.
  • You may suggest which category in our site is appropriate.
  • We will review it and place it in the appropriate category if we feel it is of use to other users.
  • We do not welcome violent, pornographic, or other information we deem inappropriate for our site.

Comments, suggestions and other positive or negative input will be appreciated.

  • Suggest ways we can improve our site to suit your needs
  • If you find inaccurate or inappropriate information on our website, please bring it to our attention.  
    Please specify where you found it so we can review it and do our best to correct the problem.

Do you have questions for us?  Email us and we will try to answer you.

Has AsianInfo helped you?  We'd love to hear from you.


Feedback on

Tell us what you think about our web site or anything else that comes to mind. We welcome all of your comments and suggestions.












Disclaimer: does not guarantee the complete accuracy of the information provided on this site or links.  Do your own research and get a professional's opinion before adhering to advice or information contained herein.  Use of the information contained herein provided by and any mistakes contained within are at the individual risk of the user. 

(We do not provide links to, or knowingly promote, any violent or pornographic sites.)

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