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Food in China

Westerners are usually amazed or dismayed at the food found on the table for them to eat, whether it be 1000-year eggs or pickled duck feet to chicken with peanuts.  Not surprisingly, the Chinese don't have any foods they consider to be taboo.

In spite of their unique varieties of food, most of the foods can actually be found in the West.   The main difference is that the cooking habits of the Chinese and Westerners are different.  The Chinese tend to combine certain flavors and with ingredients that are specially seasoned with specific sauces or spices.  

The cuisine in China differs from one region to another, but with major differences found between the north and the south.  The spiciest cuisine in China is that found in Sichuan cooking.  They tend to use garlic and pepper in all of their dishes, while Cantonese cooking has less oil and spices in their vegetable, fish and seafood dishes. Beijing and Shandong cooking tends to use more cereal products (noodles, and pastry pouches either steamed or boiled) and use simple ingredients with spices and chili.  

 Links to Chinese Food supports I.C.E.Y. - H.O.P.E. (non-profit org)
(International Cooperation of Environmental Youth - Helping Our Polluted Earth) Any advertisement you view helps save the environment!  Thanks!


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